Reflexology is a holistic, non-invasive, complementary therapy based on the theory that different points and areas in the feet, lower leg, hands, face or ears correspond with organs, systems and structures within the entire body. Reflexologists believe that using gentle pressure and massage techniques on these specific points and areas may encourage the body towards a state of homeostasis and promote natural self healing.
Reflexology is a very relaxing treatment. It aims to calm the nervous system and reduce the stress response. Thus helping to ease tension, aid sleep, improve your mood and increase your sense of wellbeing.
You will be welcomed into my treatment room and made comfortable in a relaxing, reclining chair. You will only need to remove your shoes and socks ready for the treatment.
A full medical history will be taken and we will discuss a little about your lifestyle. This allows me to tailor a treatment plan and ensure safe practice. All information will be kept strictly confidential. I will ask you to sign a consent form agreeing to treatment and to our data Privacy Policy.
Treatments begin with relaxation massage techniques. I then use my thumbs, fingers and knuckles to apply gentle pressure to reflex points on the feet and lower legs or hands and forearms, depending on the chosen treatment. I use Songbird reflexology balm which has 100% natural ingredients (vegan alternative available). Most clients like to close their eyes and relax, it’s not uncommon to drift off to sleep during treatments.
Reflexology is suitable for all ages from newborn babies to the elderly. However, there are some conditions where reflexology is not advisable or where a more gentle touch is more appropriate. All reflexology treatments start with a discussion and note taking of medical history to tailor the treatment to the individual and ensure safe practice.
If you have any questions regarding your suitability, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Reflexologists do not claim to prescribe, diagnose or cure conditions. Reflexology should not be used as an alternative to seeing your Doctor or medical advice. Any concerns regarding your health should be referred to your GP.